- The Flax Bar & Eatery, Flaxmere
- Post Office Hotel, Pahiatua
- The Kuripuni Sports Bar & TAB, Masterton
- The Farriers Bar & Eatery, Masterton
- Jackson Street Bar, Masterton
- The Greytown Hotel, Greytown
- The Pukemanu Bar & Eatery, Martinborough
- The Rimutaka Tavern, Upper Hutt
Support your community gaming venues. When you support these businesses, you’re supporting your community.
Your stories

Life Education Trust North Wellington
Young people in New Zealand face many significant health issues. Life Education provide tamariki
and rangatahi with knowledge and strategies to help them make positive choices for their health and

The Learn n Live Trust
The Learn n Live Trust runs school holiday camps held at Waimanaaki, Riversdale Beach, for children from the Wairarapa and surrounding area.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
The Trust House Foundation Grant was to contribute towards our Food Services Manager.
Trust House Foundation Venues
Contact Us
Office hours
M-T: 8am - 4:30pm
F: 8am - 4pm
Level 1, 4 Queen Street Masterton, 5810.
PO Box 135 Masterton.