Shoebox Christmas is a community-led initiative dedicated to bringing joy to children during Christmas. The project started in Porirua and our community here is by far the most served region. The project delivers gifts to children in schools and social services with one aim: to let them know the community has their back. These gifts are thoughtfully packed by local community members in the spirit of connection – with gifters visiting the services or schools to deliver the gift, connecting with our community at a deeper level than some might otherwise have an avenue to do so with.
A pivotal element in the success of Shoebox Christmas in Porirua has been evolution of our Koha Tree platform and the coaching, mentoring, and then employment of young people to lead Shoebox Christmas in their own regions. In Porirua, we have a local rangatahi, Arita, serving as a bridge between Shoebox Christmas and local schools and social services. He manages relationships with these institutions, ensuring that the needs of the children are understood and met effectively, and that our precious and busy schools and social services have everything they need. He also works with the thousands of gifters within the Porirua region to support them in their act of community service and support to our tamariki.
The generous support from Trust House Foundation has enabled Arita to carry out this values-based and fulfilling work in 2023, and has helped set an example of how we can set young leaders up for success in learning and development roles which create positive outcomes in their community.