
Mena Antonio
I acknowledge Māori as tangata whenua.
I am committed to influencing decisions that improve and restore social, economic and equitable outcomes for people in our community. As a Director with a legal background, my 20+ years of governance derives mostly from the sectors of philanthropy, health, housing and community development.
More about Mena
Having stewardship of Trust House’s stable of complex community assets is a privilege. To live, work and socialise in the community directly affected by our decisions is the ultimate accountability. Being brought up in a state house and my pacific heritage brings a unique perspective and voice to our governance table. Our changing and uncertain world demands that the sustainability of enterprises relies also on diverse and inclusive governance. Trust House is moving in the right direction.
Current appointments:
Chair – Trust House Limited & Trust House FoundationChair – Pasefika Housing TrustBoard – Health Quality & Safety CommissionBoard – Emerge Aotearoa Limited & Emerge Aotearoa Housing TrustCEO – Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand

Lucy Griffiths
More about Lucy
Lucy Chair’s The Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures Fund IAP, is a Director of Great South (Regional Development agency) and Chair’s Brackenridge Country Retreat & Spa in Martinborough.
Lucy and her husband Simon live on a Lifestyle block with their two young boys and they enjoy the fabulous climate, people and opportunities that the Wairarapa has to offer.

Leanne Southey
More about Leanne
Leanne is a partner in the Wairarapa accountancy firm Southey Sayer Ltd and was honoured with a fellowship to the Chartered Accountants Australia & NZ in 2018.
Outside of Southey Sayer, Leanne is a board member of Wellington Free Ambulance and Wellington Water Ltd.
Previous governance roles includes Chair of Masterton Trust Lands Trust, Deputy Chair of UCOL and Deputy Chair of Wairarapa DHB.
Married with two grown children , she is also active in a variety of community organisations including Trade Aid and Wairarapa Community Health Trust.

Karl Taucher
More about Karl

Bert Lincoln
More about Bert

Tom Jones
More about Tom
Contact Us
Office hours
M-T: 8am - 4:30pm
F: 8am - 4pm
Level 1, 4 Queen Street Masterton, 5810.
PO Box 135 Masterton.