Life Education Trust North Wellington

Young people in New Zealand face many significant health issues. Life Education provide tamariki and rangatahi with knowledge and strategies to help them make positive choices for their health and wellbeing.

Our specialist educator visits schools across North Wellington with our mobile learning centre. Along with our mascot Harold the giraffe, she teaches students how special the human body is, about relationships and communities, and about resilience and their identities. Tamariki are excited to enter our mobile classrooms, where they have fun, engaging and memorable learning experiences.

Our Healthy Harold programme provided flexibility and an education plan tailored to each school, so that the lessons are effectively incorporated into the classroom learning.

Tamariki involved in the Life Education programme are able to make positive decisions as they grow to maturation. Over 86% of primary and intermediate schools across NZ use Life Education to deliver their health curriculum, making us the largest external provider to school communities, which are
benefitted by having happy healthy resilient young people.

Through the generosity of Trust House and their grant-funding programme we receive much needed funds which enable our Educator to see over 5000 tamariki across in the North Wellington region.

As an organisation who relies on the financial support of our community organisations and
businesses to deliver our programme, we are incredibly grateful that the team at Trust House
provide this support and collaborate with us to inspire tamariki and rangatahi to make positive

Life Education Trust Website

"Thanks to the generous support of the Trust House Foundation grant, HOA has recently acquired 8 Artist Panels, providing our contributors with a dynamic platform to showcase their work."

Heart of Arts

"Without the support from Trust House Foundation we could not have run all these activities for our community and provide them at a cost-effective rate."

Porirua Basketball

"The generous support from Trust House Foundation has enabled Arita to carry out this values-based and fulfilling work in 2023, and has helped set an example of how we can set young leaders up for success in learning and development roles which create positive outcomes in their community."

Shoebox Christmas

"Massive thanks to Trust House for this funding that ensures the impacts of the WELLfed programme are maximised in 2023 "


"The Grant was to contribute towards our Food Services Manager.  Our wonderful Heath helps the community and corporate groups cook dinner for the families and provides meals throughout the day.  This provides the families with more time to spend with their family while their child is in hospital. "

Ronald McDonald Charitable Trust

"On behalf of Waimanaaki and the Live and Learn Trust, we thank you for your grant to help the camp in a range of ways. With these funds we have been able to purchase sixty new mattresses for campers to enjoy in the cabins. These new mattresses have a hospital-grade cover to help ease cleaning and maintain safe, hygienic practices to ensure all those who stay in the cabins are comfortable and well looked after for many camps to come. We have also been able to purchase a generator to power the campsite during outages and provide electricity for the local Riversdale residents if there is a prolonged outage. We have also completed the upgrade to all the gas regulators on-site to ensure we are up to code
and all safe.."

The Learn ‘N’ Live Trust

"Through the generosity of Trust House and their grant-funding programme we receive much needed funds which enable our Educator to see over 5000 tamariki across in the North Wellington region."

Life Education Trust North Wellington